Live Sound

OXFORD, ENGLAND – Solid State Logic is pleased to announce important enhancements to its Live console range with the launch of the new Remote Tile hardware, and V4.7 software. The software update - free to all SSL Live users - includes an upgrade to SSL's acclaimed Super Query workflow, enhanced TaCo (remote tablet control) features, a new Transfer Function Analyser Tool and Auto Pan effect, and support for external touch screen control.

The new SSL Remote Tile

The new SSL Remote Tile

More Faders

The new 12-fader SSL Remote Tile provides a simple way to add additional faders to any SSL Live console, or to a PC running the SSL SOLSA control and configuration application. The Remote Tile is identical to the built-in Live console tiles, incorporating touch sensitive 100mm motorised faders, solo/mute, Query, and Select buttons, quick controls, individual channel LCD displays, and a complete set of tile navigation buttons. Up to two Remote Tiles (24 faders total) can be connected to any SSL Live console or SOLSA PC via USB.

In addition to the Remote Tile, V4.7 software for SSL Live extends primary control even further with external (SSL supplied) Touch Screen support. Engineers can now have direct touchscreen control of their Overview and Automation screens without having to switch focus on the console's internal touch screen.

More Control

The new software also adds significant functionality to TaCo - the SSL Live Tablet Control system for Apple and Android tablets. The TaCo app's Engineer Mode now provides parameter control of all path processing (EQ, dynamics, panning, delay, all-pass filter), and all FX in the console’s internal FX rack. This new capability facilitates the use of TaCo as an integral control interface for L100 and L200 live consoles, for PA tuning and for artist personal monitoring and engineer on stage monitor applications.

The new SSL Remote Tile

The new SSL Remote Tile

SSL's Live console Super-Q technology - a marketing-leading set of fast forward and reverse query tools - becomes even more powerful in V4.7. Users can now query paths directly from the touchscreen, temporarily replace the Focus Fader with the queried path, and assign a single user key as a universal 'Clear Query' button.

More FX

A new Transfer Function Analyser tool can be deployed anywhere in the Live console's internal FX rack. Its primary purpose is for measuring acoustic spaces, but it can also be used to measure any audio system, from a loudspeaker to an outboard processor. The tool measures the fixed-point per octave transfer function and the impulse response of a system and can show Magnitude, Phase & Coherence, and Impulse Response on-screen.

A new Auto Pan is an automated panning effects unit with a variety of modulation controls and easy tempo link function. Auto Pan allows engineers to create engaging panning effects that are fully automated and highly customisable, with controls for Pan, Width, Rate, LFO Mode, LFO Reset (LFO phase adjust), Steps, and Smooth (Step crossfade control).

The New Solid State Logic Live V4.7 software, Remote Tile Hardware and External Touch Screens are available now.


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